Mármoles Juni is a companyfamily with rootsin the northwest of the Region ofMurcia, specifically, is located in the Venta Cavila Industrial Estate (Caravaca de la Cruz).

It is a company specialized in the manufacturing, processing and marketing of a wide variety of marbles, granites and natural stones.

Since 2004, we have a team specialized in the sector, also providing great innovation and technology, to try to offer the client the required quality at a competitive price.

Marble is a material of our culture that represents ELEGANCE, STRENGTH and BEAUTY.

Thanks for trusting us.

Our mission

Offer and satisfy customers with all their needs with excellent quality service and personalized treatment at the best possible price, being totally committed to the environment.

Our vision

To be a leading company in both the national and international markets in the marble sector, with a standard of top quality products in which the expectations of all our clients are exceeded.
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